Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Hello Hamster!

"Hello Hamster" were Stav's first words to me at Heathrow on Saturday night, after a week in New Jersey!! Meanie Meany!!

Blow Fish is what I would have called myself... But not forever - the steroids have started to come down and I know that when they are a little lower (were 40, 30 from Saturday), then I may start to look a little "normal"... lol..

Sunday, timekeeping. It was the National Young Athletes League at Sutton Arena and whilst the weather was supposed to be weren't! Little N got a PB in the triple jump and pushed up her official U17 womens high jump success by 3 cms - although still 5 cm short of her PB (but it's coming...)... We got her jump spikes, trainers and orthotics back too. A good, busy and exciting day. Successful timekeeping and good company.

Monday was time to start populating the new LISTEN At King's website. I met Mr W - he who is NOT folically challenged (like I am at the moment) - in town, and we worked through our first bits of copy and learnt how to load it. The website is going to be marvellous and it's so exciting that we'll be able to share so much information with liver transplant patients that simply isn't available now. Very exciting!

In the evening I watched Little N coach drills and the high jump. I really was the proud mum watching her explain clearly what needed to be done and showing her small group, how to do it. An hour later, and we were both in our pilates classes..

Tuesday, time to earn some money. So I wrote 3 articles and loaded them online ready to be published. Today though I was really tired. I walked Mad Dog early and needed a rest. Then I was interviewed for two hours by a national magazine. Then I needed a rest. The interview was all about the process of me turning yellow in November 2006 to being transplanted on 27 December 2007. It was hard and I didn't feel very dynamic and exciting as I relived what I could remember happening. Luckily I'll get to see the copy before it is published so maybe Stav can fill in some blanks (cos the ole brain wasn't up to much when the liver was failing)! In the evening I took Little N to training in Sutton. Tescos. Home.

Today, Wednesday. Dog training. Before Mad Dog and I go to training she has to have a walk or she is totally crazy and excitable. However today she decided she didn't want to go training and I spent about 10 minutes trying to catch her (only managed it when she had to dip her bottom for a wee, and I grabbed her)..little madam! We were late for training, but she obviously could sense that I was cross and was in fact rather good!

She managed her down and stay for a minute, twice! Yippeee... It has been the bain of my life trying to get her to do it. She doesn't want to lie down on her own! But the problem we DID have was her lying down on her side. She doesn't want to submit! Mad Dog!!

Wednesday night, and it's timekeeping at Walton. I hadn't realised that Crawley AC had their Open Meet or I may have gone here, but it was a good evening and I was Chief - allocating roles, signally to starter, collecting times and paperwork, taking times, calling times...the usual.

Tomorrow I'll be at the Kingsmeadow Track in Kingston all day with Stav looking after Mad Dog. Friday, Mr W and I will plough on with the website. The "national magazine" will be mentioning it, so it's full steam ahead!

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